We are a group of dedicated farmers and friends passionate about Kaffir lime leaves

​​Len Atkins
Len Atkins was the first to introduce fresh Kaffir lime leaves into European cuisine. His story starts like a fairy tale: in 2006, Len who had never grown a flower and hates curry discovered at a friends a plant newly imported into the UK: Kaffir lime trees. He tries to grow them in his garage and then rents a glasshouse …. the adventure begins. With his commercial know-how and a favourable British market (many curry lovers, the world's leading gin producer), he developed Colonial Growers which became the first Kaffir lime grower outside of Asia.
Miguel dos Santos
Miguel dos Santos is an agricultural engineer specialising in the production of fresh Kaffir Lime Leaves, in climate controlled, insect-proof hydroponic greenhouses. These techniques permit an optimised use of water ; and the judicious use of auxiliary insects to control pests allows for insecticide free growth. The production is certified by GlobalG.A.P. The leaves produced here meet the standards of size, freshness and traceablity for British supermarkets.

João and Vera Rosado
João and Vera Rosado are two Portuguese agricultural engineers, producers of rare citrus fruit. Their citrus orchard received its first trees in 2005, they introduced Yuzu, Buddha hand citrons and many others to Portugal, and they were the first Europeans to market Sudachi. Over time their collection has grown. In 2010, Kaffir limes, Pomelos, in particular the Japanese Hirado buntan, became exclusive to the best restaurants in the country. They are approved suppliers of professionals. The warm climate of the eastern Alentejo is not favorable to insect pests which allows for a production that respects the environment.​
Rita A.A. Martins
Rita Martins is an environmental activist who produces fresh Organic Kaffir Lime leaves, in an insect proof greenhouse. The carefully tended trees are planted in a rich organic soil and enjoy the exceptionally temperate climate of the Alentejo coast. The trees are naturally grafted on rootstocks tolerant of various citrus diseases. The harvests are limited so as not to harm the health of plants.

Aidan Cave
Aidan Cave is not only a man who knows perfumes and fragrances but also an excellent practitioner of the extraction of essential oils from citrus fruit. He is a perfumer by training, he learned to master mechanical extraction in Italy and Portugal, he adds a very specific savoir-faire: choosing the best fruit, leaves and flowers at the ideal moment.
The fabulous quality of our essential oils : it's Aidan