Since 2012 the antibacterial capacity of essential oils of kaffir lime fruit and zest has been demonstrated. Hence the idea of researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Cần Thơ (in Viet-Nam where kaffir lime is part of traditional medicine) to test lozenges against pharyngitis.
The study has just been published in the excellent Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research.
The bulk of the work is in the dosage because kaffir lime essential oil in pastilles is bitter*. The proportion is 2 mentholated calcium silicate for 1 kaffir lime essential oil, the shelf life of the formulated pastilles is 26 months and the effectiveness is “notable”.
It would also have been interesting to work on this question from the angle of synergy between huiles essentielles.
An interesting Ukrainian publication on the development of a bactericidal soap writes: “The combination of kaffir lime essential oil/orange essential oil/mangosteen extract/kaffir lime juice extract (KLJ) showed higher effectiveness than unique addition of kaffir lime essential oil, or orange essential oil, juice, etc. The antibacterial properties of essential oils are better than those of fresh plant extract and the combination of essential oils has been shown to be more effective in synergy. »
*on met du gingembre dans le vinaigre au combava pour enlévé le gout amère
